Mush Roominess

2 thoughts on “Mush Roominess”

  1. Yes! Mushroom season began early this year thanks to an over-abundance of rain. I just got back from a five day stay at Lake Superior Provincial Park with some local and out-of-town friends. Rather than rain, we had this thick pea-souper fog over Lake Superior Provincial Park and Agawa Bay campground where we stayed. The daytrip to Wawa saw us mostly in the clouds with Highway 17 climbing some huge hills along the way. Of course, there was plenty of mushrooms in the campground and in Wawa where we hiked trails at Vallee Park and Magpie Falls. Having a campfire back at the campsite was the best to stay dry in the damp weather. I look forward to nicer sunny weather next week.

    1. Mushrooms are a favorite subject of mine. They don’t move, when I’m trying to take pictures of them, and there are so many different sizes, shapes, and colors. One of the big issues I’ve had this year is the constant haze, fog, smoky conditions. Not good for taking pictures, or flying the drone. Anyway, we make the best out of what we get.

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